Magnakai Haaskivi

If a transcription from a deleted Youtube video counts as confirming: Link

I feel you, I'm having a really rough time getting the The Gunslinger as well. For as short as it is I feel like I've been plodding through it forever (and I keep taking breaks to read other books that are longer and not taking me nearly as long); I just can't really get an entrypoint into it.

What about Anna Torv? She'd probably be cheap, and if Fringe taught us anything it's that she can do different versions of one character pretty well.

If I remember correctly, didn't Vin Diesel make Judi Dench learn how to play D&D on the set of Chronicles of Riddick?

When I jog I actually listen to podcasts; I find it's actually more relaxing than music to have people talking about random stuff in my ear. Anyone else do this?

Also: sprayable lotion (such as this) seems to work just as well for me, and when you spray the bottle it comes out WAY colder than lotion out of a squeeze bottle (I'm guessing the gasses that compress it cause this; who knows, though). I like the cold lotion, and I find it easier to put on if there isn't a mirror

It makes it easy to feel where you've put it, though, which can be a perk.

I tend to "horde" books on my iPad, so I have a lot of stuff I COULD read, but not a lot of stuff that I ACTUALLY read. It sometimes becomes more about the acquisition ("Oh, I have that book, I'll get to it eventually...") than the actual reading of the book.

I like the picture taking, hadn't thought of that. I'll often use "Drafts" for the "quick and dirty" stuff, because of how quick it opens up ready to type, and then I'll add it back into Wunderlist later.

I do something similar with a Wunderlist list that I've found really helpful; the key thing is adding things to the list right away, before you have a chance to forget about it.

It's weird they'd screw that up, too.

Came here for the Carnivale mention, am pleased to find it already here. A movie could tie up so man loose ends.

I'm pretty sure it's $9.99, but it'sworth that, too. Great implementation of the game.

I really, really liked the Dragonlance books, but I haven't revisited them since I was in like high school; I've always been afraid to go back and revisit them out of fear that they wouldn't stand up and would tarnish my really fond memories of reading them back then.

My only entry into Feist was the really, really good PC RPG Betrayal at Krondor; I've heard mixed things about his actual novels, are they worth picking up if I liked that game?

"Unlike the Cube, which relied on convection cooling alone, the Pro has a fan located at the top of the machine to accelerate the air moving through it..."

Wasn't this the premise for an episode of Fringe?

I've always felt like there was some St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in the Red Wedding, but I'm not good enough with French History to say for sure one way or another.

I'd say books first; I'm not sure I'd really understand the story if I didn't read the books and have that back knowledge.

Except his whole arc that season was hanging out with Desmond, trying to avoid dying, which we knew wasn't possible. He was going to die at some point, and at least he got to go out in a way that let him redeem himself to everyone.