Magnakai Haaskivi

I pretty much only use Coppertone's "Water Babies" SPF 50 sunblock; I've tried lots of others and this is what works for me so I don't stray from it (the fews times I have I've been painfully unimpressed enough to stop trying stuff when I have something that works). I really wish I tanned a little bit, but I just

If you have any interest in any kind of sporting event, it's next to impossible to dump cable. I'd have done it a long time ago if I could find even a borderline easy workaround to watch Premier League and NFL games.

Any news on whether or not it can be used as a HTPC, to either stream content or allow it to be stored on the device and played back? That's mostly what I use my X-Box for right now.

I assume you're right, but "Blackwater" was aired over Memorial Day last year.

Let's say I wanted to turn certain devices off at a specified time (kid's laptops and an iPod touch of my daughter's), but wanted to leave everything else on; would this allow for that?

Hardcover books routinely sell for well over that price, and there are still lots of people who see that as the only way to read a book.

I think that when you're placing upper limits on pricing, you're eliminating real competition. Under this, nobody could ever sell an ebook for $19.99, so you're capping how much profit can be made (since a hardcover may go for WAY more), and therefore maybe capping how much a publisher is willing to spend to produce a

My kids both HATE Episode I, but mostly because it's boring; for them, the pacing is all out of whack, and they're 9 and 7 and could give a shit about the trade federation stuff. That one was so bad they've refused to watch Episode II and III.

There are things that I, ah, "obtain outside of standard distribution channels", but games have never been one of those things; I downloaded one once, and it didn't play right and it was way more of a pain than it was worth. That's just me, though.

The pistol isn't BAD, at least; it reminds me maybe a little too much of Han Solo's blaster, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I work for a rep of about ten different lines, so we have the best of both worlds; we get the lucrative part replacement money without any of the nagging "having to actually go fix the problem" issues (granted, our margins are slimmer than a contractors, but we also work primarily through distribution, so we always

Right now I'm in sales (I do inside sales support for HVAC equipment, as well as run our network; since we're a small company, there's a lot of "other responsibilities as assigned"). I'd like to...NOT be in sales. ;-) In actuality, I'm not sure what else I'd do, as it hasn't really been realistic to explore schooling

Okay, let's ask a version of this question. About a year and a half into my college education, me and my girlfriend (now wife) were in a really bad car accident, and I took a semester off. That semester became like 12 years. I have no debt from my time in school, and make an average salary now, plus really good

There had damn well better be a fantastic Stefon sketch on this Saturday; he's barely been on all season!

I started a few weeks back, and by about Episode 10 or so (which is roughly where I am, I can't remember if I'm at 10 or 12) it seems to be starting to find it's stride, getting away from a "Weird Thing of the Week" and building towards a bigger story.

That's actually good to know, because this is literally the only game that's been totally unplayable (Bioshock: Infinite had to be dialed WAY down, but it ran fine once I did that). Maybe I'll look into previous gen cards like the 6670, and worry about putting money aside for a better overall system instead.

It's even starting to pick up midway through the first season; I think I watched the first three or four episodes when it came out, and got distracted, and then just never went back to it because I thought I'd missed too much.

Those were about the ones I came up with, too; I don't need it to play maxed out, just to run, but I'll probably go for the nVidia one. It's actually kind of amazing that I've never run into a completely unplayable game before this one, to be honest.

Let's say my computer is capable of running "Witcher 2", except for the huge bottleneck that is my HD 6450 video card. What card could I get for around $100 that would run this behemoth smoothly enough to play, and is this game actually good enough to warrant that kind of an upgrade?

The Dave Ramsey class isn't really that expensive, and if you have no idea where to start it does provide some solid fundamentals to go forward with. It's got WAY more to it than just avoiding debt, and if you're drawn to the class than there's also several good ideas that you probably should've been implementing but