Magnakai Haaskivi

I agree with you, but couldn't the same thing be said about the portal gun? I mean...they built two entire games around ONLY that gun's mechanics and their cleverness. At least Half Life 2 had other stuff going on.

I used to drink while I played X-Wing, and I'm pretty sure it made me better at those stupid training missions they made you go through.

I use my iPad mostly for e-books and games, plus the occasional light web browsing while I'm watching TV. I have an iPad2 I paid very little for, and I'm happy with what I get out of it, but if I'd paid full price I probably would be mildly irritated with myself for how little I use it.

I've been holding out hope for that, too. Really, it could still be us, but I'm not sure that we'd have much to trade.

Third for Carcassonne. The thing I always like is that the game's really calm (at least with the people I play with); it's easy to learn, but there's not the same sense of backstabbing or screwing someone over you get when you play certain other games.

A burrito is like a sleeping bag for ground beef.

So does that mean it'll be easier for them to represent Wildlings in the Game of Thrones mod?

Tyrion's breakout from the Red Keep's dungeons is perhaps a bit bland, but the collateral damage he does on his way out is pretty significant.

The worst thing is when some reject from Monte Carlo comes in, opens up a mining agency, hires aboriginals, and then skims their wages and takes away their workman's comp, leaving them poorer than they were to begin with before he jets off to Sri Lanka.

They look really heavy, and I think that'd be what kills it for me. It's got nothing to do with the aesthetics.

I've found this app to be really, really helpful for little things that are REALLY important; stuff like "When you get to work, do XXX", etc. I don't use it for everything, but the things I do use it for are great.

I dunno, I like D3 and all, but Titan Quest was a helluva fun game. I'm more posting to stick up for TQ than to bash D3, honestly; I enjoyed both of them quite a bit.

Shurmur's challenges tend to be pretty funny, but that has nothing to do with his throwing motion.

I'm a sales rep for a radiant tubing manufacturer; my company rented computers once to do a seminar on how to run a particular piece of software. It was a radiant tube heat loss/sizing program, and many of the people we were teaching didn't have laptops capable of running it, so we just charged for the class and

I always associate Black Isle, Obsidian, and Troika together (Tim Cain's been at all three, I believe, which may be why); Obsidian's quality control is fantastic compared to Troika's. That was a company that really bit off more than it could chew in terms of RPGs; Arcanum and V:tM:BL were great in theory, but just

Everyone knows that the Browns fans hate the Steelers, Ravens, and Bengals; it's gone underreported how much secret rage they harbor for the Redskins. The Redskins are such a threat to us Browns fans, after all, being a fellow divisional straggler in a completely different conference. The only sad thing is that, with

I always thought ligers were bred for their skills in magic.

Cool post, thanks!

My theory on "The Sopranos" was that the relationship between Tony and his mother was key to the tension in the show, and that when Nancy Marchand passed away it wrecked the way the narrative was "supposed" to go. Have you ever heard anything like that from the writers?

Never had that problem, but I kind of like the new Gmail client better than Sparrow, and I'm considering giving it a shot. Sparrow's been really screwy with my labels for a few months now, to the point where it's pretty much not placing them on mails at all (or, when I place labels on mail in Sparrow, they don't