Magnakai Haaskivi

@TheTingler: I know, but I never got used to WASD key movement (I used to use the numpad, and then somehow got it into my head that using the left mouse button to move forward and keeping the key mappings for my left hand was more fluid), so certain games are really a bitch to setup appropriately.

@Antiterra: It just feels like a game that's begging for controller support, though...especially with the third person view. I never quite got used to the control scheme.

Does the collector's edition finally include support for the Xbox 360 controller? Because that would be worth $130.

Shockingly light on Cleveland Browns. When a franchise has been this bad this long, there's gotta be more than just Tim Couch.

Sweet, thanks! I'll check it out tonight.

I DVRd this yesterday; worth watching? I couldn't tell if it would be funny or not; it's like an hour and a half long.

"Yo, Delta, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Southwest had one of da best first classes of all times. OF ALL TIMES!"

Cleveland represents!

@badmutha: It could make the whole Rockefeller Center scene interesting, I suppose.

Gatsby is pretty much the opposite of "campy theactricality"; is Luhrmann really going to force his style on this piece? What's next, a musical version of "The Catcher in the Rye"?

@RambaRal: I was thinking perhaps going halfway towards a 23" flatscreen monitor; I've got a 22" CRT presently and have been considering the upgrade for a little while.

If you're in the process of installing new radiators, you should instead really look into the possibility of installing radiant floors. Your whole floor becomes a radiator, and warms your furniture as well so you maintain comfort at a lower setpoint temperature.

I have about $115 in Best Buy giftcards that I was going to use for a netbook. My wife has since purchased me a netbook, meaning I have $115 with no obligations attached to it. So...what should I buy?

Wayne Rooney's interested in knowing who the hell is making 300,000 a week.

Who's the asshole who "Liked" his final Facebook update?

@jpelker: I think it's an axe. I also hope it's an axe, so I may be biased.

Also: Bill Cosby is messing around with a Texas Instruments TI99/4A cartridge based computer. That was my first computer; I think I still have one at my mom's house. Many an afternoon was spent playing Parsec and Alpiner.

I was a freshman in high school back in 1995, when one of my friends had a friend who ran the computer lab at a local college. The lab closed at 9:00PM, but the friend of a friend had figured out that he didn't have to leave...and thus the Friday night Duke 3D LAN party (before we knew they were going to be called

Does one still have to file to join the Gravedancers' Union?

Why isn't Hugo Weaving reprising his role as Elrond?