It's the "Local Pig Charcuterie" in Kansas City, MO. :D
It's the "Local Pig Charcuterie" in Kansas City, MO. :D
Yes, they do! :D
Yeah, the colored eggs are a bit smaller, it's true. But if we want big eggs, we can pick up duck eggs for $.50 more per dozen! :D
Modern discourse has become a subject for Poe's Law in all aspects, through the dual advances of the internet and wedge politics.
Actually, we get 'em at a local butcher that sources only local food. They've got a chalkboard on the back wall that gives the farm name, email address, and physical address for each type of food they sell, from chicken to pork to beef and even some vegetable stuff like pickles. Anyway, all the eggs are the same…
People conflate "vegetarian-fed" with "pasture raised". "Free-Range" is not the same thing either, and doesn't always mean the same thing. Still, people often lump these things in together. And it's got nothing to do with granola... :D
What makes a difference, in my experience, is that you find a local farmer who lets…
Right, I was gonna say that. Brown eggs produced the same way white eggs are produced are going to taste pretty much the same. But most of the pasture-raised free-range chicken farms use layers that drop brown ones. One of the local farms our butcher gets eggs from produces blue/green tinted eggs along with brown and…
Wasn't complaining, just surprised. Carry on! :D
Holy NecroThread, Batman! :D Have a recommend, anyway...
"Driving faster than me" != "unsafe driver". You seem like the kind of person who drives in the left lane five miles under the speed limit just so people don't go faster than you think they ought to. Get a life, and stop worrying about enforcing the law; cops are there for that.
You are not the arbiter of what's the "right" speed. There are reasons most jurisdiction specifies "slower traffic on the right". If you feel that you *are* the arbiter of how fast I should drive, I strongly hate drivers like you, in return.
Let's not forget that a large percentage of small businesses are single individuals engaged in contracting and services like photography, art, and any number of other businesses of the sort. The challenges exist, but are different than the ones you describe.
"I'd also point out that one reason people recommend working in industry for awhile is because most young people's ideas for new businesses are incredibly naive and ignorant about the crushing amount of detail and nuance that goes into operating in some of our economy's more complex sectors."
And the amount of WORK…
Thanks for this, Dan and Andy. Mr. Ariely is one of my heroes - at least, one of my favorite researcher/author/scientist/etc. Great stuff. And Scrivener IS the bomb, I say. :D
Or not. Often I just don't hit the brakes until I get there. If you start stopping three hundred feet back, it's going to look like I'm speeding past you. No additional fuel costs - in fact, if the light turns green after you brake and before I do, YOU are the one wasting fuel.
Generally, when I do this, it's because I'm trying to get around some jackass going five or ten under the speed limit that's caused me to miss the last three green lights, and I'm doing out of frustration.
As we've established in the past, speeding only nets you a marginal travel time gain (and arguably not enough to be worth the risk of a ticket). The bigger problem is traffic lights. While not unpredictable, they're complex and it becomes difficult to manage them over more than one or two intersections.
Most "recording industry professionals" do NOT "mix" with headphones. They track, sure, they monitor, sure. Mixing is typically done with monitors. In fact, when you take courses on mixing and producing, that's one of the first things they tell you: Don't do it in headphones.
I am aware, however, that as more people…
Most "recording industry professionals" do NOT "mix" with headphones. They track, sure, they monitor, sure. Mixing…
A/B them with Grado SR80s. By comparison close-back phones sound ... closed. "Recording Industry Standard" - they're not bad; I own a pair. For their use case/price I prefer my Shure SR440s.
A/B them with Grado SR80s. By comparison close-back phones sound ... closed. "Recording Industry Standard" - they're…
I'm an Apple user and I still think Beats suck. That better?
I'm an Apple user and I still think Beats suck. That better?