J. Steve White

Lots of people find themselves in situations where noise isolation from the outside in is not critical, and in those circumstances, the Grados (SR80, for instance) kick the shit out of anything under $300 that I've listened to. I can listen to them in my office while the family sleeps, or when I'm on a customer site

Lots of people find themselves in situations where noise isolation from the outside in is not critical, and in those

You mean re-sending the first email with "sudo " prepended doesn't work?

Never go anywhere without my Wave. Those things are worth their weight in gold in an emergency.

If it comes down to it, you might have to weather an attack. In his book, Emergency, author Neil Strauss provides a means to defend against wild dogs that can apply to other animals in an emergency: If the animal does attack, block its mouth with your non-dominant arm and smash the heel of your hand into its snout or

I have a lot of LGBT friends and know of many people who have engaged in adultery and none of them have been stoned. There are enough fundies to make short work of all of us non-believers if they set their minds to it. I'm not defending the insanity of a few folks; I'm just saying that if they "lived by their book" it

All such discussions are fraught with assumption and cultural bias, of course. I'm not saying it's a bad place to work from, I'm just saying that it fails just as dramatically as the Golden rule when examined critically.

In fact, the rule you offer as an alternative to the Golden Rule is simply an re-factoring of the

Right, I get that, but when we (non-believers) call them on their hypocrisy, bear in mind that we're cherry-picking, too, by asking them to follow the "good stuff" that *we* like. Are we willing to let "them" teach creation in schools, for instance, if they only start caring about the poor as the Bible says? Can they

You're hearing beat frequencies and harmonics, not the actual ultrasound. The ultrasonics bounce around in your head or the room and the phase interaction causes many other frequencies to appear, and harmonics appear all up and down the spectrum. You can see this stuff really clearly with a spectroscope.

Any such derivative rule must fail muster except as feel-good chestnuts like the Golden Rule. The exact same behavior can be considered neutral, salutary, or horribly insulting and abusive, depending on culture, history, and relationship. In the real world we have to put in a lot of thought around our interactions

So the fundies should start stoning gay folk and adulturers? I'm just sayin', be careful what you ask for. There are a lot of folks here in the US that would love to oblige you :D.

Awesome, thanks for the update. I'll be watching for the cross-platform client!

Nice cans! (my favorite open style headphones)

This is the answer. Build a single, un-battery-backed voltage adapter that will source USB5v and buy an Anker 15000mah battery pack. Then you have the best of both worlds - you can charge your battery pack from most anything, and not worry about the LiPo insanity. But it will cost more than $10 :D

I'm quite fond of BTsync; a chat solution sounds good, too.

It doesn't mention if it's encrypted. I would assume so, but I'd like to see it spelled out.

Most of the things I want or buy are all about how I can use them, what I can do with them. I can't think of anything I want 'just because'. I don't buy jewelry, I hate spending money on clothes, etc. I buy some "toys" - by "toys" I mean things I enjoy using that produce nothing valuable, like my quadcopter - but

Assuming that the trend continues; since we don't even know what's causing it, we have no idea whether it will go on. There are lots of theories (video games, high calorie childhood feeding, etc) but none of them suggest that the scenario you project is even possible, much less likely. And since the entire bell curve

Well, that's kinda the point of the book. Tim started a business based on health supplements. The "Whole Burrito" is "It's possible for some people to obtain their needed income with 4 hours of work per week. Here's how I (Tim Ferris) did it, and some ideas about how you might be able to, also". He's got a lot of

That claim could be made about anyone who's ever written a book and published it for profit.

Thanks for your thoughtful, considered, and tightly reasoned response.