
Seriously, OLIVE.oil! In chocolate? olive oil is a staple in my cooking. Much as I love olive oil, I would never consider using it in a dessert. That's just wrong.

Exactly. Your comment underscores the suthor’s clarity which is all I wanted to comment on. The piece is pretty well written. Among the complex ideas (made easy for this simpleton) expressed, I only found one that I was too lazy to stop reading and figure out. Why stop reading when the author is on a roll?

I love sharks. No meat suits necessary. Just draw a little blood and drop in shark infested waters. Enjoy!

Oh hell no! I had to do a lot of psychedelics to prevent this from ever happening to me. I can completely comisurate.

For those outside Detroit, and yes the World should know! The Masonic is one of Detroit's Great historic music venues. Although I'm sure it has hosted great acts into the millennium, allow an old man to recall a few; Jimi Hendrix, Ravi Shankar, Bett Midler, and The Mighty Cluds of Joy. The Masonic should be saved

Campbell-Ewald had an awesome Old House on Jefferson. I drove by it on my way to work. Didn't know about the Chevy account. One of my childhood friends' Dad worked there and managed the Clark Bar account. CE moved out of Detroit about the same time as Hearne Brothers maps. They also moved to Warren and alas have since

"Gentrification means change"... Might be clearer to say, the percieved fear is that Change means gentrification. Either way, I welcome this look at the City in which I came of age. I could not make it there and had to make somewhere else (not NYC). And, I did NOT want that somewhere else to be the Suburbs of Detroit.