Anti-conservative overly-PC outrage-lapping liberals got Trump elected?
Anti-conservative overly-PC outrage-lapping liberals got Trump elected?
Well yes, because any time the Argentinian government is in trouble they bring it up. Hell, the whole war started because Argentina assumed that Britain wouldn’t follow up on their threats of counter attack if Argentina invaded; the junta thought they could get an easy victory to distract people from some very real…
How so? Players used her shield to break the game. Seems pretty right to me.
well, i didn’t know that rule change was part of brawl. That wasn’t a reading comprehension issue though, nice try.
Game Company that advertises the most on Kotaku = Blizzard
This. Has anyone really suggested that being good on a console means you can’t ever get good at the same game on the PC? Its just a steeper learning curve on the PC.
My roommate in college somehow discovered a method to connect to the Dreamcast’s Quake 2 servers on his PC.
Well Blizzard let’s start allowing PC and consoles play together. (muhahahahaha)
I quite liked it. It wasn’t a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but it was a fairly solid action/comedy clearly intended to be the start of a franchise.
BvS Director’s Cut very much improved the theatrical cut, IMHO, though I already liked the theatrical cut to begin with. There was more there there, story-wise and the tale told “breathed” a lot better. Again, all this is IMHO.
Worst. io9. post. evar.
Like something a little tween girl might write to try and be cool.
This review makes less sense than the movie.
I know I’m a bit high at the moment but what the hell did I just read? Like, is it me or does this article consist of mostly rambling incoherent thoughts? Should I be doing shots every time I read “Suicide Squad: The Extended Cut”?
I kinda see Sombra and Reaper as having potential. In the animations they put out, she’s teasing him with the door. Maybe it was just to delay him a bit for her real objective, but I like the stoic, gruff type paired with the chipper one that pushes their buttons.
I agree that art direction overrides graphics technology any day. Call of Duty has some pretty impressive graphics technology, but I’m not sure how the art direction in those games could be any more boring to look at.
I mean battlefield 1 runs fantastically on a lot of computer, while simultaneously looking absolutely gorgeous
Hey, have whatever fantasy you want in your head/fanfic/whatever, but when you start petitioning the creators to make the ‘ship official (ala Captain America/Bucky and EVERY Overwatch character) it DOES affect me. My issue isn’t with the Shippers themselves, it’s with them trying to make it canon. Hell, this is what,…
Regarding the mention that this game isn’t a graphical show-stopper: what is?
Wow. These people are frighteningly out of touch.