If your local driving school offers you a "frequent flyer" rebate...you might be a bad driver.
If your local driving school offers you a "frequent flyer" rebate...you might be a bad driver.
If your picture and a notice written in large red letters is on the wall of your insurance agent's office...you might be a bad driver.
If you drive down your street and people instinctively move behind something solid, like a tree or a brick wall...you might be a bad driver.
If you go to traffic court and the court clerk asks you "How are teh wife and kids?"...you might be a bad driver.
If you have a glove box full of written warnings...you might be a bad driver.
If you go driving and people frequently shout obscenities at you...you might be a bad driver.
If you go driving and frequently hear horns being honked...you might be a bad driver.
So "Driven" with less IndyCar, less Stallone, less "fuck you physics!" and more Thor, more reality and based on true stories?
Dude, he didn't make a successful dodge. He got tagged on the right rear quarter panel. You can see the can jolt even without the sound on.
If you see a sign that says "Say NO to Crack!" and it reminds you to pull up your pants...you might be a redneck.
I was thinking more along the lines of ass-crack of dawn.
I don't know what vehicle I was brought home from the hospital in. My dad was working for TRW at the time doing ATM and cash register repair so whatever company car he had at the time. He doesn't even remember he said. But my mom's car that we were shuttled around in for the first couple years was a Maverick Grabber…
A Top Fuel Dragster.
For taste and more it's Encore!
I'm probably too late for this so I'll probably just ask on Facebook.
A pickup truck.
Man, they had so much more potential there!
And that, kids, is why they tell you to never play on the tracks.
Nope. I have no idea what they are talking about.