
Or “Kevin Hart to replace Tyrese Gibson in Fast and Furious franchise”

Cool story, bro. This article is about national chains, though, so NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR LOCAL PLACES.

I don’t mind family style in some cases, but what’s the deal with the brother-in-law a) doing all of the ordering and, b) ordering far too little of it to satisfy anybody?? You do family style so you can crowd source that meal and have so much damn food that nobody can walk properly when they leave.

This was my take as well. Sociopaths all the way.

Last guy, D. What the fuck! Isn’t the whole point of going out that everyone can get what they want?

Good tweet.

Not surprised LeBron picked a costume with a better hairline than his own.

Does this mean we finally get that Kazaam sequel we’ve all been waiting for?!

You know why

Da, comrade.

Maybe he was just afraid it was going to explode?

When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”

I’m making that Nicklaus one my phone background.

Choke the Raven nevermore.

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

Right, people are “jealous” of their relationship.

Well to be fair it kind of is.

A lot of Packers fans had turned on the guy, even before Rodgers went down. They think only having one ring with Rodgers is a travesty.

That’s the response of a man who watched his HOF quarterback go down and knows that the media narrative of him being a good head coach is about to be exposed as a total fraud.

They’d rather sign Wrangler Boy first, and he’s made of glass at this point.