Is that you, Progressive Liberal?
Is that you, Progressive Liberal?
I guess reading comprehension isn’t in your job description.
You had many words for him. Oddly, none of them were, “My reading comprehension is not what it should be for someone who speaks and writes for a living.”
Wow, you’re truly stupid.
His finishing move is “The Safe Space” in which he runs his opponent over from inside his Prius.
Do you really think Phil Jackson would be remembered as a great coach if it weren’t for MJ, Kobe and Shaq?
Huh. And I thought I was getting hard to surprise on the internet.
Wow, the guy really will do anything to avoid writing new pages of Game of Thrones.
Wait, so when Jordan dunked from half court in Space Jam, did he get 3 points for that?? I don’t remember but I wanna say he got 2. PLOT HOLE.
Actually, I will give him the private plane one. I don’t think the issue there is disdain for being too close to the masses (there might be some of that), but you can control access and security much better with a private jet situation. If he were just flying on a regular old commercial plane out of a regular old…
He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.
What? Nobody on the internet made him climb into a circle and try to kill a fucking pissed off bull. If you want to grieve for his family, maybe he should have had them in mind when he decided try to slowly kill dangerous animals for a living. He died doing something dangerous and barbaric in a silly costume- that is…
Phil has 4 top ten finishes this year, ranked 23 in OWGR and 36 in FedEx Cup.
Am I the only who’s curious what kind of high school holds its graduation on a Thursday morning...halfway into June?
If he’d withdrawn earlier, this conflict wouldn’t even exist.
These need to be 10x the current price. The amount of traffic these signs generate is massive.
At least Tyson didn’t have to fight 80 regular season fights and then do several tiers of best of 7 playoff fights before uppercutting some flabby side of beef into next week.