What is weird is that in the “real world” people seem to get along fairly well, but in the “online world” people seem to want violent revolution
What is weird is that in the “real world” people seem to get along fairly well, but in the “online world” people seem to want violent revolution
Lol, this comment is brought to you by Toyota and the rest of the kinja advertisers, Keep it up!
Lol, he got u bro
What!?! But I enjoy paying almost 4500$ a year to a health insurance company that still makes me pay any and all visits out of pocket until I meet a comically high deductible.
You’ve been conditioned well, +1 star/like/heart
Go Cowboys!
Lol, just use the term “liberal elites” instead of “evil power mongers” and you would fit right in over at breitbart.
I think Puff Daddy should be gifted all the power and wealth he feels that he is deserved.
I think Jay-Z deserves at least 50% ownership in any deal he is a part of, he is a national treasure
The Puerto Rican genocide is reprehensible
A cool bro wouldn’t mansplain about mansplainin bro
I feel like I see the same articles and same comment sections no matter what the subject is..
If I was there I would have stabbed the red-sleeved guy in the chest, then executed the drunken bigot.
Perfect kinja +1
Full click-bait synergy achieved.
Seems like a two-faced thing to do but in the end who cares
C’mon seriously, the sixth best qb in the league?