The NCAA should pay all student athletes equally, at least that is what I would do.
The NCAA should pay all student athletes equally, at least that is what I would do.
Herp derp, what about muh feelz..
(Wonders what percentage of readers here approve of this mass shooting/terrorism)
I hope you hang in there, I would just like to say that life is a marathon and not a race so if you are going through hard times right now just find some way - any way - to get through it because things will most certainly even out again.
Meh, 2/10
Not everyone takes American click-bait media as gospel.
You’re preaching to the choir with me, I’d like a semi-auto registry process that is recurring every year or two. That is kind of like what they do in most states that allow for concealed carry if you want to keep your concealed carry license.
Why don’t you question the media site you are currently commenting on then, because according to this article talking about it is a non-starter because reasons..
+1 for at least talking specifics
Complaining about customer service is the epitome of first world problems.
I am outraged that we all don’t live in utopia too..
Sweet tweet yo
Are you implying the firing was politically motivated?
Sorry, the rules of identity politics clearly state that the extremes of the demographic in question are the norm, unless it is your demographic, then it is different because..
What specifically would people like to see enacted?
+1 but only if sarcastic
What’s the solution then?
(For the record I’m all for banning high capacity magazines and a national handgun registry)