
Commercialism is a nasty thing. Changing the rules constantly to make Nascar racing more “interesting” caused it to not be racing anymore. If they are all even like Nascar insists on then let them duke it out and quit this stupid playoff and staged racing crap. Its just lame.

Exactly....Just like getting a ticket for using a cell phone. I see it and people driving 50 in the fast lane daily in the Reno area. Have yet to see anyone get busted for it.

Unfortunate. Bought a 14 Reg for the Mrs because I cant afford a Cayenne. She loves it. I made sure it had the diesel and its bad ass fast. Fuck the emissions bs. Its got Def and is clean enough for me. Fuck jeep too...Anything with Chrysler parts is going to be junk in 20 thousand miles.

Too funny..I actually followed you guys down the hill from Tahoe. I was the wildman in the blue Denali HD that was on your ass. lol

Guess Kyle Douche doesnt like someone taking a play right out of his own book. That asswipe has dumped people on the track for years, including during a Yellow. Suck it up Douche boy...There are others who are sick of your dumb ass as well.

After reading the replies to this post, I find it truely amazing that the first thing out of the predominant Liberal Democrats mouths is “Fuck, Fuck this, Fuck you if you have a different opinion than I do, Fuck off asshole” Thought you were the compassionate progessive group? Oh thats right the snowflakes didnt win

Its not too hard to grasp when you look at the amount of aircraft that have been lost in the ocean and never found, including military nuclear bombers with live ammo.

I think allot of women dont realize your holes are not all nicely lined up the same and in a tidy orderly fashion. Everyone is different as I found out with being with various ladies in a short time span as a teenager. Some holes are high, some are low, and some arent even in the same neighborhood you would expect

You guys are a constant walking contradiction. You have been ranting and raving for months about a this show and then start to poo poo it because it doesnt entertain you 150% throughout the show. I thought the part where May gets constantly shot was completely lame. The cars doing donuts when their drivers jump out

It was completely gracious of Carl to hand the Championship to Jimmie. Thanks Carl!

The runway is rigged, the plane was rigged, the pilot was bought off and wearing a Donald Duck costume. Its all a yuuuge conspiracy!

Glad to see someone recognizes the fact that the only reason he’s there is because daddy is rich.

Another Shit Box bites the dust!

Didnt TRD do away with their super chargers?

One of the best programs available and of course isnt around any more. Lame

That is some seriously creepy looking shit right there.

Sat in the bunker below one of these at CL while it proceeded to tear ass on a Tomahawk that was flown from Pt Mugu. It shredded that thing seconds before it hit the ground. All you could see out the slats was fire and pieces of metal flying everywhere. They are truly impressive.

The word is SHIT as in Shit-For-Brains


Most of us are still grey. We dont kiss enough arse.