
I guess I’m struggling a bit to see why you referred to the values of this movie as fascist like five times in this article. I have watched this movie since I was like 6, and I have to admit I don’t see it. The one line that I assume you’re using to justify thinking it’s all about “might makes right” is a line that

I used throwing knives and dead eye to kill everyone in the backroom silently. I had already killed the doctor with a tomahawk. No guns were fired. The posse still gets alerted. There’s no way to do the robbery without having to get away from the law.

All of you people banging on Clinton for having “no new ideas” need to realize something about the “left”. The “left” is never going to win with a far left agenda. The left has to build a group with moderate democrats, minorities, far left “progressives”, etc, in order to have ANY chance in hell of beating the bible