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I'd like my prize money in $1,000 bills please.

Not my intention to thread jack, but come on! The resemblance is there.

Just so you know, Owen, you are one of my favorite bloggers on the internet.

Feeling nostalgic I watched Michael Jackson's "Thriller" yesterday. So many questions I could hardly sleep. Did Michael Jackson molest a monster?

Balboa Park right?

@Michael Arago: I'm sorry, I know that it's tough. I hope that you can see your way through it. You deserve it. Do it for you.

@Michael Arago: Please don't give up on yourself. People do care. Maybe not those you see everyday, but they do.

@Michael Arago: I'm sorry that you've experienced such terrible hardships in life. But as I mentioned in my post, there are some truly fantastic people out there. Reach out for help. Someone cares. Hell, I don't even know you and I care.

I'm in awe at the courage it took to write, and share these words with others. Yet it's ironic that these were the exact same thoughts that he didn't want shared while he was alive......I don't know.

@bookwench: "Also, the concept of their nasty research being used throughout the rest of history to save the lives of all those "impure races" they tried to eliminate makes me really happy in a mean, vindictive way"

I posted this exact video on Gizmodo about a month/month and a half ago. Needless to say, I was lambasted and tarred and feathered for posting it and finding it slightly hilarious.

Yes, and a vagina is any better.

@Gambit09: That is fucking sweet. Especially the upside down pedals.