
Truly it was because Ewan needs time to let that beard sprout and dry age.

Just get it- Your body has no receipt and is going straight in the trash one day so might as well draw on it! Draw that British man in a robe on you. Live it up.

Same- The way they posed their friends and family was super inspiring and set me off in a new direction in my art Career. 

Its more so $30k of diamonds with $34.99 dolls stuck to them.

I guessssssss... Not super excited by this hire but LETS WAIT AND SEEEEEE (Hobbit flashbackssssss!!!!))

HOW DARE THEY SAY THE EWOK MOVIES ARE NOT CANNON!! ... Wow... Star Cruiser Crash- Into my heart.

Wheres Waldo: Bed Edition. Does anyone spy a bed? Maybe that cozy chair is all he needs. 

Anyone else read the first two sentences of that axe knife 10 times?

I am painfully dragging myself through season 2 right now- How this is getting enough viewers is baffling. It really is more on the Inhumans side of Marvel- Would be right at home on the CW. Anyone on here really digging it? I am not here to talk you out of it I am just curious what strikes your fancy!

Its such a shame how poorly it did. Laika must be getting close to some major internal changes with how the last few films did. :-/ 

They will each die in separate movies- never on screen together again. 

Whatever the reasons were for Anthems failure- I would not touch it because of what they did to the Mass Effect Franchise. That was spitting in the face of so many fans. You cant throw us out and expect us to crawl back for more. 

Yeah I am with you. I would take a pass and give it to someone new. I have a feeling this next generation of Marvel is going to sputter out.

I get it but money talks. Vote with your dollar. The others made more money so Hollywood takes it as more votes. Sucks but that’s the way it is.

Klaus Hargreeves

Klaus Hargreeves

I’m with you. I have the feeling I got during the original Civil War run that accumulated into nothing. I stopped buying comics then. I really hope they don’t have ten years leading up to some BS undo button. 

Does it feel tired to have another white boy be the chosen one? 

It may be unpopular but I think the Guardians in Infinity war were directed better than Vol. 2. All is going to be OK and I look forward to more stories told with those characters. 

PLEASE REBOOT X-MEN. Pretend its like spider man homecoming. They are already a team- No origins... LETS GO!!!

Just having this conversation with my wife and our conclusion is that we are trying to recreate a moment in time of something we enjoyed. We think that our kids have to enjoy it the same way as we did. Maybe they wont gravitate towards star wars as we did, maybe their is something else that would be THEIR star wars