
The photo leaked already and it was blurry and gross so might as well own it.

You cannot tell a single difference? Get outta here. Every model is replaced. haha.

-Plays: Curb your Enthusiasm theme-

Whatever the reasons were for Anthems failure- I would not touch it because of what they did to the Mass Effect Franchise. That was spitting in the face of so many fans. You cant throw us out and expect us to crawl back for more. 

Klaus Hargreeves

Klaus Hargreeves

Just having this conversation with my wife and our conclusion is that we are trying to recreate a moment in time of something we enjoyed. We think that our kids have to enjoy it the same way as we did. Maybe they wont gravitate towards star wars as we did, maybe their is something else that would be THEIR star wars

They really should of waited to utilize the Holiday Season tie in.

Where do you live?

I find glove music annoying.