
YES! How did no one else here get this reference?!

I also had to rewind several times, hah!

"You can't have a 28-year-old albino friend!"

I wonder if Jericho and Lance are friends.

Wait a minute… Teddy told me their last name was "Burger."

The fact that Ms. LaBonz has a gentleman friend kinda gives me hope for the future.

Ugh. I loved this episode until the very end, but I don't think there's ever been such a bullshit judging decision on this show (or at least not one I've cared about).

I think Andrew the bus driver might be my favorite new character from this season.

I just hope Gene's new band covers "Girls Being Girls Being Girls Being Girls."

I imagine Season 1 is hard to get your hands on because it's still slippery from all the vaseline they used on the lens that season!

Can't… Stop… Laughing…

Episodes like this are the reason Bob’s Burgers is my happy

I love that Lillian got another Valpak in the mail at the beginning of the episode.

"That's a dumb place to keep bowls."

"Can you not tell House from Electronica?"

Sure thing! I'm glad you looked it up! I was surprised to make the connection so quickly when I watched the TP clip. Definitely a good point about the quick edit in TP. That one line with that very specific accent goes a really long way and does exactly what they want it to do in the scene. On the other hand, the

And the line you mention from Trading Places (amusingly enough) seems to be a reference to Gloria Upson's infamously insipid ping pong ball story from the 1958 film Auntie Mame, accent and all! It's also on youtube!

I enjoyed this episode quite a bit! However, I think it's a wee bit shady that the maxi challenge was a straight-up Lypsinka ripoff, and nobody bothered to even mention her name (at least not that I caught).

"Or even in Roseanne!"

"And that's why it truly was like a tale of two cities.. But I feel like maybe next time focus on the tale of just one city.. And maybe that city is like a yogurt shop where cool teens work.. I wanna work there. Thank you."