interesting read, too bad they didn't discuss the war between man and machine which is happening right NOW...LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!!!
interesting read, too bad they didn't discuss the war between man and machine which is happening right NOW...LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!!!
@outofit4985: What the hell are we looking at? When does this happen in the movie?
I have shapewriter still and have been sharing it with as many people as possible. So far Droid1, Incredible and Evo are known for running it smoothly. Respond with you're email and I'll send it to you.
@CSquared: This:
@USMarty_v.2: you didn't hear? iPhone is down with the bitches and hos
BlackBerry ppl see Androiders the same as they see iphoners.
@SEDAGIVE?!: I love when people compare digital theft to real life theft, and in this case, violence.
@DH: Trademark is not the same as Intellectual Property.
@pnikkosis: yeah, my Canon takes better pics of comets!
@wileecoyote: now I want to be an astronaut because I'm hungry!
@Erik_says_this: Ok Garth, he's going to put that thing on your mellon.
@csfreestyle: yeah that show was on air for the first three years of my life. If I was watching TV in those three years, it was for Sesame Street and Ghostbusters the movie.
@crosis101: I'm meeting you half way you stinking hippies!
Love the music. Must have been public domain from the early 80's about the information superhighway.
DC and Marvel did many crossovers, so Poison Ivy could have been around.
@RainyDayMagazine: nice!
@FrankN.Stein: SHHHHHH now they know!
@maven2k: There's no intelligent life forms here, beam me up Scotty.
@Large wooden badger would really like a star, but it's probably best he doesn't get one as things like that
@FrankN.Stein: Ahhh, I remember those simple high-school days!