
Plot Twist: Annalise is Wes’ daughter from the future who got stuck in the past.

I think there can be that palpable tension, some of it slightly sexual, and they will still never have sex. He is someone to her - not her son, but she had something to do with his mother somehow. Annalise is messy and inappropriate and manipulative and it’s not surprising that she has sexual chemistry with Wes at

You sound like a smart guy who actually gets teenagers. It’s all about looking tough for them. The worst thing a teacher can do is get into a dick-measuring contest with a student. That’s what led to the overreaction in the video.

I call bull-fucking-shit on that. Tons of white parents lose their shit and call the school if their special snowflake is exposed to criticism in any way. Any parent is saying they would be ok with this level of violence against their kid for doing anything less than wielding a gun is completely full of shit.

What force??? She’s not hurting anyone. She’s interrupting a, likely, shitty meaningless class. Just drag the desk into the hall and talk with her there while class continues. Holy shit people.

Imagine if we ignored race as any sort of factor.

Yeah, if this cop got fired, the school principle should too. Because they really blew this IMHO.

When I student thought way back in the 80’s I had a student who had just lost her father. She misbehaved FAR worse than this girl. (at least based on what we see in the video and people are claiming) We handled her with empathy and understanding while still maintaining discipline and the education environment. (By

They’ve actually criminalized being disruptive in a classroom. It is a chargeable offense. Guess who usually gets charged.

Pretty much. Although, I'm also noticing a lot of claims in this thread that they would support the cop even if their kid behaved that way. I don't buy it though. Every time some suburban white kid does something wrong, their right wing "personal responsibility" preaching parents do all they can to cover up or deny it.

I can also understand her perspective:

I’v taught for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a kid take a swing. You know why? I learned how to de-escalate a situation and let the kid save face. I learned when to not push kids on issues. I’ve learned when to let small infractions slide. I learned these things because I can never use force. It’s a shame police

“If she had not disrupted that school,” he said, “disrupted that class, we would not be standing here today.”

only if u wrap it in a bitchslap. :D

Just like “the only moral abortion is the one I made my mistress(es) get.”

I believe Paul Ryan’s policy, like most GOP policy, is that he can have it because he’s capable of having it. IE - since he can demand it and is in a position of authority he can get whatever he can get. Where as, if you do not have a position of authority you should just shut up about everything and accept whatever

her desire to be First lady is so strong she can fuck it.

Look, honey - the little people!

You know who else would like more time with their children? Single, working mothers. I bet helping us is right at the very tip-top of his to-do list.