
That’s a difficult question, so lets talk about the forces at work.

Gov/Republicans: They need to fire up their base with the boogeyman of the gays coming to force their gayness on everyone. They also need to appear to never, ever compromise with liberals, about anything, ever.

Business: They’re opposed to this law, but

A politician in Louisiana was supporting school tuition vouchers for religious freedom, so parents could send their kids to Christian private schools. She changed her mind when she found out Muslim private schools existed and that the vouchers would’ve been eligible for those places.

Ours is a jack russell / beagle mix. He literally runs suicides in the apartment at times.

My neighbor's cat follows me into my apartment about once every couple weeks, usually when I'm coming home with groceries and having difficulty keeping him from running through the door.

Very little thinking went in to this law as far as outcomes. The bigots who wrote it wanted a loophole to use their religion as a way to discriminate against gay people, citing their faith as the reason. What will most certainly happen is a backlash that these pseudo Christians will be unprepared for. You provided

This is ridiculous on the face of it. RIDICULOUS! Everyone knows the best naked full moon dancing happens in Muncie.