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    Nah, statistically, Jeeps suck ass as far as reliability. Be happy you got a good one, because that is not the norm. They’re damned fine platforms for offroading and offroad racing, but unless replacing drivetrain components is something you consider ‘taking care of’ a vehicle, they just plain suck. Cherokees,

    We live in a day when people treat so many optional things as necessities.

    I’ve found it amusing to no end that Americans are known for their love of the automatic transmission, but American car companies have been plopping out their performance cars with manual options or manuals-only rather intensely for the past 5 years.

    The police used an armored personnel transport vehicle and rifles, too? Outrageous! Surely, that’s why the situation ever happened.

    Vin, we have to talk. You might want to take a seat.

    I felt the backup scenario didn’t need explaining, especially since many gauges come with the light built in.

    I’ve heard of people who don’t have or can’t use (for whatever reason) oil pressure/temperature gauges and the like just settling for having a single “Shit’s f**ked.” light. That one definitely was not acting as a shift light, up or down, but it certainly wouldn’t be the first broken indicator in a race car, either.

    Don’t care how loudly or often I have to say it, if I was in the sticks or the sandbox, I’d like to have a MANPAD ~~ “Just in case.” :)

    If our current MO is to go in and shoot bad guys for the sake of shooting bad guys, we don’t really have an excuse for sitting around letting them fill their coffers and gain strategic control in multiple countries between back then and now. That’s the point. Our leaders sat on their hands for a year and a half and

    $5k is a bit of money to blow for a Gawker submenu...

    Different considerations of what off-road event means. You’re obviously referring to pro-level competitive events, tromoly’s more than likely referring to ... not-those events.

    He serious’d-ly became a woman?

    He was just trying to get a closer look.

    Re: Danica in good cars. He said talented.

    Seems like those tires were an extremely poor choice for the vehicle/course. So much push.

    Wow, who decided to use high school physics to butt in on politics...? Aircraft 101 time.

    I feel like a supercharged naked street bike is something that doesn’t ever need to happen but will and I don’t care enough to say it shouldn’t. I can see why people would rather see a smaller-capacity engine, but I feel like out of efficiency (read honestly: laziness), it’ll be the same engine as the H2.

    Thank you for taking the time to write your sentiments and I am sorry that you experienced that; Based on what little I can see of your ability to convey and apply yourself intellectually, you will have no problems continuing on as a great person. gl hf

    The first sentence of the article.