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    Entomancer - one of the primary things LoL sells itself on (literally, the infamous microtransactions that make LoL actually profitable when it's a free game) is skins for characters. Those are two different skins, ones a crab guy, the others a Doom enemy guy.

    One barely-clothed female with two pistols in her default

    There's (over, now) a hundred tutorials on deviantArt that explain how to adapt this general art style to line art, if you want to get into that sort of thing.

    That's because this situation was pretty cut and dry, in one undesired direction.

    In and out before sleek F-15E declared ultimate fightar evar. ;]

    Notably, empty is assuming devoid of fuel, not loaded up will all the equipment (however training use only they may be) and ~1,500 lbs is typically considered 'empty' as in should have been landed 10 minutes ago.

    Honestly if Lotus built something about the size of a Juke (obviously just a wee bit bigger, at least for Americans), and then made it lighter and faster, it'd have my attention.

    While I love you for what you did with your original artist concept render (:D), I gotta step in and say that the Rally Fighter's form and suspension is nothing like any sub six-figure vehicle will ever be riding around on. Aesthetic appearances may be replicated, but the massive trailing swing arms and rear solid

    While I love you for what you did with your original artist concept render (:D), I gotta step in and say that the Rally Fighter's form and suspension is nothing like any sub six-figure vehicle will ever be riding around on. Aesthetic appearances may be replicated, but the massive trailing swing arms and rear solid

    Tell me you also broke them off and sharpened them into combat knives. They had that temperature-sensitive-color-changing paint for a few years, and I remember the red and blue cocktail swords worked so well with some of the figures, even if I can't remember a thing else about the figures themselves.

    I always hated that scene, or at least the directing of it, just because they make it fairly evident enough that Ratjack could have shot the bug instead. :\

    Story takes a turn for the worst when applied to the article.

    Oh OKAY, so ya'll are gonna act like you've never brushed your teeth with a vibrator before?

    I'm sorry, TheVagenius, did you miss the part where the first teacher did a trial run first THEN invited the other teacher for the second one?

    The P85D definitely can probably run most cars in existence in the eighth, but it will not be able to hold a candle to the GT in a race.

    Interesting... Considering the angle and speed of the crash that the cage absorbed, though, I am skeptical about anyone saying it was not designed well enough. Could it use improvements? Everything can.

    With all these posts, I'm reminded of that teenage kid who drove his Mustang off a cliff and had his life saved by

    The tail is probably the best thing about it, tbh. Once you learn more, you'll come to love it. :)

    They could pull a Nintendo of America [with regard to the New 3DS, sizes, limited Mario versions], and f*** just the US market to maximize profits while not caring what some enthusiasts think.

    People who want the upgrades the aftermarket parts brings, but the option to fall back on a factory warranty if anything breaks. Plus, they don't have to do any work, before, during, or after.

    I humbly suggest 2-3-1 instead.

    It was also a perfect time to say 'yes', even.