
Should they have a shrinking readership, declining clicks then get sued into bankruptcy because their staff has no talent? No

Amazing how you've made this about yourself.

You're utterly clueless.

You're so brave and soooooo outraged. I love how you made this all about you.

You're so outraged.

How much did you donate ? You’re on a site that enables molesters like tom “meet me in the woods” Ley and Billy “the ticklemonster” Haisley.

What about the consequences for deadspin given that they employ several child rapists ?

Umm you're posting on a blog that is run by child molesters.

You realize that Tom Ley has been convicted of raping kids.

How do all the child advocates rectify their hatred of Joe Paterno with the fact that they're reading a blog that employs several known kiddie touchers?