ROFL! “The People’s Progressive Army”? That’s just as dumb as any of the neo-nazi trash. How about a political party instead of an army? If you want an army then you’re no more in favor of democracy and the rule of law than the far right is.
ROFL! “The People’s Progressive Army”? That’s just as dumb as any of the neo-nazi trash. How about a political party instead of an army? If you want an army then you’re no more in favor of democracy and the rule of law than the far right is.
You’re making a dangerous generalization about a movement that most certainly is not full of lazyboy reclined elders. If we dismiss the far-right we run the risk of violence the scope of which this nation hasn’t seen in over a century. I have no doubt that if the Twitidiot in Chief were removed from office there would…
Sorry, Napoleon was short. 5'7" is short. Sorry, short people, but that’s short.
I’ve been enjoying this column for years and I’ve never posted anything negative about an artist before, but god that’s derivative crap and it’s becoming more common all the time. It’s like 50% of artists today can only draw cyberpunk motorcycles and samurai. Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t even out yet and I’m already sick of…
Cyrus is disgusting no matter who she’s fucking. He’s better off with her long gone. I’m so glad my dating days are over and I don’t have to worry about 1000 made up genders and people that don’t know what sex they’re attracted to.
Well, I didn’t see that cumming.
She isn’t the only woman to accuse him and on top of his sexual harassment, he’s also an abusive boss and a massive racist. There’s an article on Yahoo about the many lawsuits against him including his treating white people like trash, calling them crackers and stiffing them for tens of thousands of dollars in work in…
Well it’s nice to know he’s around in case we’re ever attacked by baseballs or flying grilled shrimp, but when it comes to combat I think I’ll stick to guns, thanks. There’s a reason the samurai don’t exist today and the ones that do only serve to abuse our sporting goods and culinary treats.
The US is pro-democracy in Venezuela and if that means toppling a dictatorship, so be it. Russia is destabilizing it by it’s support for it’s authoritarian government. Russia already has a military presence there and people in the Russian government are calling for a greater presence in Venezuela, including missile…
It’s amazing how uneducated the comments are here about this seasons plot. Russia has a military presence in Venezuela now and parts of the Russian government are calling for Venezuela to become a missile base to counter NATO encroachment.
I still can’t believe that game has never gotten a sequel. Also, a grand strategy map, Total War style would be amazing to pair with the massive modern battles from that game. One can dream.
Hat’s off for picking Civ 5 over Civ 6 and a definite A+ for including the original Sid Meier’s Colonization in the mentions. Still to this day a fantastic game and the best economic and trade simulation I’ve ever seen in a game. On paper it sounds tedious, but in practice it makes sense and it’s fun. There aren’t…
I’m not a Pewdiepie fan, but I’ve seen enough of his stuff to know he’s not a racist.
The ADL is it’s own special little brand of hate group. They sure don’t seem to have much to say about the endless stream of young unarmed Palestinian males Israel’s been slaughtering for years, but somehow they pay very close attention to what a 20 something Minecraft player from Sweden does. The hypocrisy is thick.
I believe in letting the courts decide guilt, but I also believe that people that automatically come to the defense of someone accused of rape sure have pretty strong feelings about something they aren’t involved in. I remember when I sadly spent a year in Wisconsin and a former Packers player was charged with raping…
I’m so tired of fiction requiring a message. This is a fictional game and fictional world and it’s under no obligation to have a message, and it’s under no obligation to historical events. Not every medieval rpg needs to be a reflection on the brutality of serfdom, and this rpg in a colonial fantasy era doesn’t need…
Blade and Morpheus are insanely good.
I didn’t know you were there. I hope they call you as a witness. If he’s guilty then I hope he goes to hell, but these stories aren’t always that clear cut. During my freshman year at college, a girl accused a hockey player of rape. He was arrested and kicked out of school. Just before trial she broke down and…
Yeah, not like being an African American man that makes up 5% of the US population but commits over half the homicides and 70%+ of the sexual assaults.
This “douche” also might be innocent and since our system is based on innocent until proven guilty, I doubt we want everyone accused of a crime to be kept in a cell until their trials are over. You’d be handing people sentences of many years just based on accusations.