Jeremy Alexander

Black people, just go out and buy a pen and some paper and write your own characters and stories. It’s become completely transparent that you either are unwilling or unable so you just keep taking ours and pretending they’re yours. I’ve got news for you, champ. Making the Little Mermaid black isn’t going to change

I’ve got no problem with it as long as Tom Hanks replaces Chadwick Boseman as Black Panter in BP2. It’s no big deal right, it’s a fictional character. Maybe Larry the Cable Guy can be fat Albert. How about Miley Cyrus is Tiana in the live action The Princess and the Frog. It’s progress right! Here’s a better idea, how

The proper thing to do with a Kyrie Irving jersey is nothing. He’s just a dude that changed jobs. He wasn’t your family, he wasn’t your friend, and he’s not a hero. He’s an entertainer and he picked a new stage. If you care about it beyond that, you don’t need an article about what to do with a jersey, you need a

It’s only designed to kill you if you actually eat that crap. Nothing on that list comes close to me on any day, let alone this one.

Great speech, don’t care. If you don’t want to celebrate the 4th, don’t. I don’t care what you think of me doing it.

My guess is that she can hold that seat as long as she wants to. I doubt those parts of the Bronx and Queens are gonna flip republican anytime in the next 1000 years.

Right, why should we engage our enemies, we can always go into more record debt bombing them like Clinton, Bush, and Obama did.

I’m confused as to why the FBI doesn’t investigate these concentration camps. Do they not have the jurisdiction to do that? Isn’t that part of their duty?

This article likes to dive into Trump a lot. Where was all this critcism when the agency was expanded and given more powers under the Obama administration. Trump may not be changing anything, but lets be clear, you’re seeing the result of deliberate thought and purpose from President Obama from the detention centers

I think he looks alright. Miles better than that first shot with the wig. Yennefer looks really good. Ciri looks a little strange, but she is supposed to be a kid at this point if I remember the books correctly so we’re a ways off from the bad ass she was in Witcher 3.

Exactly, this article is just more low IQ Generation Outrage nonsense. They put his name up there to honor him and in doing so, I guarantee you there are a few more people today that know his story than did the day before. Good for them.

Any context is a good context as long as more people learn his story.

So you’re comparing the story of Emmit Till to Hitler? The dumb just keeps flowing.

Sharon Tate wasn’t killed because of her race. It’s not even close to being the same thing you dumb fuck.

He was a murderer, not a victim, you dumb shit.

No Gabe, you’re the one that’s lost the plot on this one. That was one of the dumbest reads I’ve had on Kotaku and that’s saying a LOT. More generation outrage bullshit. I’m sending an e-mail thanking the White Sox for including him and hopefully getting more people to learn his story instead of worrying about some

Who said he was a celebrity? They said famous people from Chicago. He’s from Chicago and he has a degree of fame. It didn’t say “Positive Celebrity stories from Chicago”, you numpty.

Of course. Famous doesn’t mean celebrity. People put war heroes, wartime presidents, and activists of all stripes on things celebrating the people from their area. Why wouldn’t they include MLK? That’s moronic.

Generation Outrage vomits out some strange things, but this is near the top. You’re offended that they celebrated him being from Chicago? A civil rights icon from Chicago means he’s from Chicago and he’s famous. You are a complete and total moron. I think it’s good that he was included. It might make people that

Saying she’s hot isn’t a big deal, she is and a large chunk of straight men that saw her would say the same. If you didn’t know her age it wouldn’t even be an issue. Acting on it would be creepy, just saying that she’s attractive isn’t an issue in any way.