
I wonder if Greg’s dad was lying just so that he could keep Rebecca away from Greg. This show moves fast—I don’t think that Greg has been gone for longer than a few months and it’s not particularly in character for him to move on from Rebecca so quickly.

So, I guess they’re saving the theme song for next week?

90% convinced that all of my posts are gone. This sucks.

Ooh, that would've worked a lot better. Plus, as a lot of fans have pointed out, the guy who played Parker resembled Nicholas Brendon and it would've been really easy to push how Xander, with his soldier memories from Halloween, would've been tremendously jealous of the guy and felt like he truly was being replaced by

Part of my issue with Season 4 has always been that it seems like the show is pushing Buffy and Riley's connection as the heart of the Adam storyline, like how Buffy and Angel's relationship was key to Season 2. But, like, no one was going to buy into Buffy and Riley, so the overall arc fizzled, even though the stand

Season 4 Riley has improved for me on re-watch, but losing Maggie Walsh (whatever issue there was with the actress) killed the momentum for the year.
OTOH, I think that the intensity of the Spike/Buffy relationship sort of wipes out some of the Riley stuff and makes him more tolerable. We know where the show is taking

I think that people get pretty caught up in debating over which season is better, which is kind of ridiculous given that both are TV gold.

Now. Do we suspect there may be seem kind of connection between Bates Motel and Psycho?