When I saw the article title, I was going to post that Bob’s Burgers clip about Mouthfeel, but you beat me to it.
When I saw the article title, I was going to post that Bob’s Burgers clip about Mouthfeel, but you beat me to it.
That song is where I learned all the French I know.
Love the Mercy one, but where’s the Roadhog and Junkrat twin-pack?
I don’t think omnivores inherently live an unhealthier life than vegans. Oreos and certain types of Doritos are vegan and I eat the hell out of them.
It’s a replacement for olive, vegetable, or other cooking oil. At room temperature it’s a solid, and when heated for cooking it melts to a liquid. No idea how one would use this as a condiment though. It’s either flavorless, or coconut flavored, depending on what type you get.
With the advent of things like Square, I’ve been seeing more and more restaurants in the US start using iPad + Square/PayPal/other card readers, brought out to the table to make payments right there.
This headline seems to imply that there was some point in time that Trump was unwilling to use innocent children as political pawns.
Dear Salty,
I would drink a lot more too if I had a baby to take care of...
To me, this list feels much more accurate. I would have put Defenders at the last place spot, but then I remembered that Jessica Jones season 2 actually existed (that’s how unmemorable it was).
It’s like one of those text-based computer adventure games.
Dear Salty,
Unfortunately, there’s no way to relay that information at all. Anytime you go out to eat, you’re just rolling the dice. Maybe it’ll be cold in the middle, maybe it’ll be a charred black slab...you’ll never know until your order arrives.
But women ain’t Mjölnir, my dude. They don’t have “whomsoever should part these legs, if they be worthy, shall have the power of Score” embroidered on their underwear.
No Touching Collusion!
Alcibiades is the only person I did not do the romance option with. Kassanda was down for everyone else in Greece, but him and his terrible innuendos earned him the cold shoulder.
Dear Salty,
Most of these seem like places that would occupy the vacant space next to Bob’s Burgers.
If I carve the turkey myself at the restaurant, do I still need to tip the full amount?