There’s always one.
There’s always one.
What content? Your post was “this movie is bad.” My post was “this movie is good.” Then you started going on about how angry and unfairly people were treating you.
I don’t see how “this thing people liked was bad and they’re stupid for liking it” (which is what you fundamentally said when you said people get defensive about lowest-common-denominator content) promotes discussion.
What was the end game of going to a post specifically about Kong: Skull Island and posting that Kong: Skull Island sucks? To what end were you doing this if not to stir shit?
Speaking of bad acting; you should probably stop pretending to be surprised when people get defensive or call you an elitist when you use caustic language describing the film and make comments on people’s tastes.
Especially on the Internet.
I’m amazed how upset I made people.
You can’t possibly have written that post without knowing you’d get a response. It was definitely a little antagonistic. “I didn’t like it” might have done better if you weren’t trying to ruffle us plebs’ feathers.
My offhand jokey comment about liking the movie was totally angry, good point. *eyeroll*
Wow dude, maybe people are getting upset with you not because you are pointing out a movie’s shortcomings, but because you are coming across as an elitist jackass.
It’s a movie about a giant monkey. I don’t go into that expecting Oscar fodder and rich character development. I go into it expecting a giant monkey to hit things.
Having just read all the posts, people were pretty cool by internet standards. Really, not sure what you’re talking about.
What!? It was a solid monster movie, popcorn flick. If you go in expecting anything more than that, well that’s your own damn fault.
I think you got confused with jk posts with legitimate mouth frothing angry posts.
There’s exactly one guy in this thread who’s in any way upset at you. Stop acting like a drama queen.
Well, I would watch Kong : Skull Island over the last 5 Kong movies.
Good news! He did! It’s called Kong: Skull Island!
oooo, hot take of the day right there.
I think the article is trying to insinuate that the marines might have made it all up.
He didnt know they were there and theres no evidence presented that he actually fired.
I know it’s a matter of opinion, but super HD resolution and (over 30) fps don’t really matter if a game is good. It’s like arguing DVD vs Blu-Ray quality. Yes, there is a noticeable difference, but it doesn’t really impact the deliverance of the medium unless you’re “one of those people.”