
Hey, at least now you can masturbate without committing a mortal sin. You are only performing your wifely duties.

I prefer to live with myself. I don't need a piece of paper to define my relationship.

Yet another horrifying result of allowing delicate ladies to access technology they were not meant to handle.

it has become a problem for a generation of younger women

Yes, and it's that sensitivity to nuance that tabloids are known for.

Madonna spells about as well as I expected.

You think no one's ever been raped by a regular cab driver?

Even though it seems like she really loves her daughter, she deserves a ton of money given the blatant malpractice.

I had sex ed in second grade and we learned proper terminology, but there weren't cookies involved. I feel cheated now.

I'm a PhD student in Critical Disability Studies, and my research area is mental health. I think that most of the folks in my field (myself included) would absolutely apply the word ableism in relation to addiction. In fact, I think it is pretty insulting and lacking in cross-disability solidarity for folks with

You know things are bad out there when I was impressed because the first guy used both versions of your/you're correctly.

Dear Rebecca,

I have a great idea for your next series. It involves you setting up an OKC profile. And then, y'know. Being Burt. Lots of screencaps.

I know this is a lot of work for you and that your S.O. might object, but I encourage you to ignore all those things in favor of the truly hysterical end results that I

Japan has some fascinating places overrun with animals. My favorite is Nara, a town overrun by deer.

I'm dealing with a male roommate who sprinkles on the seat every time. I've talked to him about it DOZENS of times. I just said fuck it and started either wiping it off with his towel (got that idea from PostSecret) or his toothbrush. I fucking can't with inconsiderate fools.

my cat pees in her litter box, but poops outside of it about half the time. :/

I am so sorry that I started laughing at this. I hope your dog had the grace to look embarrassed and slink away as if she hadn't just shat where you all eat.

Letter Writer #1 makes me want to fucking SCREAM. It's bad enough running into that (literally running into it, with your bare ass) in public restrooms, but in your HOME? What fucking year is this? How fucking old are you and what's the last grade you completed? How are you so convinced you're going to get some kind

I deleted all the Cee-Lo from my Rhapsody library. Some of it hurt, but I can't be a Cee-Lo fan any more.

Today I learned I am not a Basic Bitch. But I dunno what kind of Bitch I actually am. More research must be done.