
I've been a Star Trek fan for most of my life. I was eagerly anticipating this movie and you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed Into Darkness. It was very enjoyable. Yes, it is full of plot-holes if you start actually thinking about it, but for those two hours, I was having a great time. I was almost completely

Why do these all have to be horror flicks? They can't provide enough mystery and suspense without people screaming and acting possessed? I don't see astronauts behaving that way, despite the shocks. This seems to waste a good premise with more of the same crap that's been done before.

Well it's kind of sad that it's taking "a things humanity was not meant to know" angle on this. To be punished for attempting to make first contact just seems like such a downer. Dramatic yes, but a downer nonetheless.

I'm afraid I can't answer your underlying question, even though the Tumblr prompting it is mine. However, when I started FYFD almost 3 years ago, there were hundreds of "Fuck Yeah [insert whatever actor/fandom/movie here]" Tumblrs, and I thought it would be amusing to express the same level of enthusiasm to an

Check your lease man, because you're living in fuck city!

I am not a fan of Baldwin, and Allen pulled off the egocentric prick with a good heart after all perfectly. Galaxy Quest WAS a great movie.

Agreed. I love Galaxy Quest, it's such a great, fun flick— I forget who first said it, but it's true: it's one of the best Star Trek movies ever made!

Please god, no. Such an awesome movie. A sequel would just retread what we've seen. "Wanting to see more" is the PERFECT way it should have ended. That story is complete, no need for more.

I don't know. Galaxy Quest was such a wonderfully self-contained masterpiece, I don't know that I could go for more of it. Everything promised in the first act is delivered by the end of the film. I still get a little verklempt at "By Grabthar's Hammer, you shall be avenged!"

Never give up! Never surrender!

Five words killed Battlestar Galactica: "And they have a plan".

I found it upbeat in that it's about the wonders of the world and love. Plus, the dog manages to convince the boy to find fun and enjoyment in his final moments. That it was simultaneously sad didn't counteract that.