
What strikes me the most is how the ships from the same franchise tend to look very similar. Like how all the Warhammer ships look like variations on Jabba's Sail Barge, and all the EVE ships look like...I dunno...termite mounds?

It's too big to fit on the chart.

You're welcome! I'm happy to lean on my day job here. :)

Myth! The direction a liquid swirls when going down a drain has much, much, much more to do with local conditions such as the shape of the basin than it does with the Coriolis Effect. Coriolis works over vastly larger distance scales.

I think this effect probably doesn't have anything to do with human psychology or physiology.

Ah, but they have an external reference they can use as a feedback system to correct for rotations of their body.

Also, there aren't Martian natives to take land from.

There are some very successful advocacy groups like that, already. The Planetary Society comes immediately to mind.

Now playing

You could decrease the suck, or increase the awesome.

Columnar jointing is so awesome.

For a Galaxy Quest-like experience, try the Toadstools, which are near Page, AZ (same neighborhood as Antelope Canyon!)

I also noticed the absence of icy terrain. Some pictures I've seen from Greenland, Iceland, Siberia, or Antarctica are really alien.

Makes a heck of a lot of sense to me.

If that were true of the Big Bang, then yes. But it's not.

Yeah, considering that Australia has trees whose leaves are covered in glass needles of neurotoxin...

Remember when the first "Big Dog" video came out on YouTube? As I recall the comments fell into roughly two categories:

I have to say that I've never really found Seth Green funny. He's random, he's offensive, he beats a dead horse, and he says "boobs," but he's not funny.

That's not how the Big Bang works. There's no center to the expansion - space everywhere is expanding.