
Good shows, good shows - i still dream of the teased cross-over proposed in the Psych tv series finale. (Can’t wait for Psych the Movie: 2)


If it brings Siryn back to the forefront...

Well Flash has always been a bit of a ....

With assists from his mentor The Economist.

I openly adore both shows - sooo good (sometimes frustrating but even then). Bold type is like slipping into a slanket & Good Trouble ratchets up my anxiety in a great way.

See i liked Callie outside of that icky BS will/won’t they thing with Brandon but Mariana always got on my nerves in the Fosters - that said they’re both interesting in Good Trouble (& love the cameos by the other Fosters - Steph & Lena still bring the feels! & i’m actually sad they got rid of Callie’s blonde coworker

Bold Type & Good Trouble are both great.

FYI in this case the tpbs work out slightly cheaper for Giant days than the hardcovers (which collect 2 tpb volumes per book but only cover the first 6 tpbs & they're up to 11-ish i think?)

I reject your reality & create my own - I believe i was grown in a cloning vat therefore I was grown in a cloning vat. A clone of what exactly? - scientists haven’t figured that one out yet.

The image used for Witch Hat Atelier evokes memories for me of the anime Little Witch Academia

Can’t wait to get back into it - I’ve read the 2 pre-relaunch Unstoppable Wasp tpbs & the 2nd one made me tear up during the heart-felt convos between the 2 Wasps (not to be confused with scary WASPs)

Moonstruck (recently made the jump from first release single issues to trade paperbacks exclusively) & Skyward get my votes. I like a bit of light-heartedness to my comics (though both especially Skyward do come with their *ahem* heavier moments *pun intended*) as long as accompanied with decent artwork & exceptional

I started reading Giant days digitally (got about 3 issues in), then splurged by grabbing a bunch of the tpbs - the series was solid enough to warrant a physical media buy.

You could fill that gap by grabbing the trade paperback? - Book Depository has them at reasonable prices with 0 charges for shipping (national or international) & I’ve used them a LOT so i know they’re a reliable source for tpbs from the last 5 years.

Or a Skrull...

He had a stint on The Oc which was good.

I'm now imagining waffles being tortured - "Are you ready to talk or do I need to syrup-board you again?"

“as I’ve mentioned before, but what can you do?” - kill Michael again? Introduce time-travel & divergent time-lines? Reveal that everything after Michael’s first death was in Jane’s head as part of a psychotic break? Reveal that everything after Jane went into labour was in her head as part of a psychotic break

But Doom Patrol’s Crazy Jane actresses’ character should be the maid of honour surely?