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    $8.99 7 day shipping on a $12 pack of boxer briefs is a bit rough.

    $8.99 7 day shipping on a $12 pack of boxer briefs is a bit rough.

    So if you’re banned for life after your $50k in lifetime earnings, what incentive or means do you have to pay a $500k fine?

    I mean, they kind of are. What sort of data do you think they’re going over when local/state/federal governments decide yearly budgets?

    It’s Souls-like because we have to put a title on everything and “roguelike” took off. At this point to people even know that Rogue was a game? Probably not.

    Yeah, great options for half the weight exist, but they’re almost always way more expensive. I just picked up a 2018 Half Dome 2 Plus for $140.

    Yeah, great options for half the weight exist, but they’re almost always way more expensive. I just picked up a 2018

    There aren’t many employers that don’t immediately terminate the employee when this kind of behavior becomes public. Especially such high profile ones.

    This is my first time watching GamesDoneQuick marathon, and I’m totally hooked. It’s so well done, but such an amateur production at the same time...making it perfect. No one takes themselves too seriously, but at the same time, it’s executed so well.

    That’s pretty interesting regarding seeing disabled as a bit of an dead weight. It seems that lots of the country’s infrastructure (public transit, the blind sidewalk grooves, etc) is built with the disabled in mind to an extreme.

    I can’t wait for the Bulls to select him, get the 8th seed, booted in the first round, get a 20+ draft pick next season, get the 8th seed, booted in the first round, get a 20+ draft pick the next season, get the 8th seed, booted in the first round, get a 20+ draft pick the next season, get the 8th seed, booted in the

    Yah, every single one of them are selfish assholes with no semblance of human decency.

    Yeah, this is gross...but they are running a business focused on generating shareholder wealth. If people start making awful games, the voting public (and by extension, investors) will only see this as a “video game” problem, and not a Valve problem. When School Shooter Simulator 2018 is released, Fox News will not

    Doesn’t even have to be a burner phone. I always had a work mobile and personal mobile, and I am not the president of any operations.

    People willingly take something named methamphetamine.

    Why is Michael Rapaport the first tag on the barber’s post?

    The Warriors Have Nothing For James Harden would be just as valid of a post.

    Eh if he didn’t get embarrassed by LeBron he would have gotten embarrassed by the Celtics or the Warriors. Still probably doesn’t warrant getting firing - the makeup of the team is just not great.

    Half-thor, Beeyourn-son...so yeah kinda.

    I’m studying for the GMAT right now and it’s the exact same thing and basically just as frustrating. You can get 40% wrong and still score in the 90%+, or 40% wrong and bomb.
    It’s not how much you suck, it’s the quality of your suck.

    Not questioning the address conventions, just the conversational conventions. I’ve never heard it called East Wacker Drive.