
So witches float and wizards sink?

It’s so amazing to me that you feel you can just decide that trans people aren’t real.  Just invalidate a whole group and characterize transition as a fun, rebellious elective based on an affection for pink. It reminds me of how bigots think gay people would ever choose a life of discrimination and marginalization—it

It definitely sounded like sarcasm up until it just... stopped

She wasn’t raised to have orgasms, is what I’m hearing. Welcome to the club, missy!

Who the fuck first decided that “educational raps” like this by white people were a good idea? It was definitely some asshole white dude shop teacher back in the 90s rapping about safety or something and we’ve suffered ever since.

She’s actually not quite as good as you would guess if you just heard the phrase “concerned Alberta mom rapping”.

I am currently reading “One of Us. The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway”. It’s frightening how much some of Breivik’s rhetoric about Islamic cultural take over sounds like a couple of our presidential candidates. I have taken to reading passages of the book versus news stories to my husband and