
Except its the fans saying that they are getting unsubscribed. If it was just views going down its one thing but we have two out of the 3 parties involved saying something is wrong here on multiple ends. Youtubers are saying subs are down and viewers saying they are getting unsubbed. Less subs means less views because

Real guns aren’t cause for panic just by virtue of existing, either.

No, from his perspective he pulled a gun on them and they reacted accordingly. Honestly his version of events makes him seem worse than the kids’.

You’re allowed to use force to defend yourself if you have a reasonable belief that someone is going to use force against you. Your use of force must be reasonable under the circumstances. You may not use deadly force unless you reasonably believe someone is going to use deadly force against you.

This all could have very easily been avoided. If only this man would have done what any upstanding citizen should have done, which is stayed inside his house and called the police.

Yeah, I was unclear on if they were in his driveway or this was a public roadway.

Yes, as I stated in another reply, I was under the impression they were parked in his driveway or something of that nature on his property. Otherwise walking out with a weapon drawn onto the road, which is public property, is against the law. However, if he stayed on his property the whole time, it would be more

That would be correct then. I was originally under the impression that they were parked in his driveway, or something of that nature.

I know this is just going to be used as another excuse for people to dogpile on and repeat gun control memes, but even so this guy is flatly in the wrong for apparently going in front of somebody’s car and brandishing on them and giving them orders.

The thing is, it’s already illegal to shoot at people for just being parked outside your house.

You are correct that the man should not have left his house, or drawn on them, or shot at them. At this point I’m going to assume that it was an old man who’s cognitive ability is starting to decline.

There is no allegation that the players trespassed. Even in the homeowner’s account, they were parked on the street. At which point he pointed his gun at them. The homeowner is entirely in the wrong here, even if the kids tried to run him over (which they had every right to do at that point).

if they were parked in the street then that is not his property, the road is public property and they have the right to park there if they want.