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    Death Note is coming. Anime ported to Live Action MUST BEGIN BY CAPTURING THE LOOK & FEEL OF THE SOURCE MATERIAL. That’s the #1 complaint here. When the director screws with that, it’s all over before it even begins.

    Wrong. It COULD be on par with the anime (which WAS on par with the Manga, have you read it?) but will not under the direction of Rupert Sanders. This is a disaster just like the upcoming Justice League film in the hands of Zack Snyder (who I’m sure will hire more steroid-induced females to make himself feel at home

    Go away, you have no valid point to make here.

    THAT’S BEAUTIFUL! LOL. I love it.

    There has been about 100 games released on the Wii U VC during 2015. Just shut up and go buy them and maybe more will get released.