
Man I am right there with you regretting jumping on to DKIII. It started out with real promise but this back end DRAGS. Of course, there's one issue left, so my stupid brain keeps prodding me to finish the set.

And he might even turn that soda in to wine! Wine and popcorn for EVERYBODY!!

The AV Club has an anti-Smith bias, so I wan't surprised to see him omitted here. I agree with the OP that he spread himself way too thin, but so did I as a listener. When the network began to grow it was exciting and I tried listening to them all, but after a few weeks of shitty episodes of TESD, Plus One, and

I caught up with it via Netflix Instant, and I'd suggest others do the same. It isn't a "you'd be surprised by how good this is" show, it's a "this is fucking good. Watch it" show

It's on YouTube in parts. I downloaded the clips and stitched it together in final cut, burnt some DVDs as Christmas presents for my two friends who are Muppet enthusiasts. Probly the best present I ever gave.