
Remember it was only after her CMR was rebooted that Kiera began changing and learning. This stated explicitly.

you are right we never found out. One of the big plot lines is what is up with Old Alec. Hopefully, they don't just through that plot line away. Why did he suddenly realize he had screwed up?

You are totally right. This is the brilliance of the show. I have friends who truly believe that Global Warming isn't happening or at least that it has nothing to do with the tons of carbon we are pumping into the air. They are very good people just like Kiera.

This is far and away the best review of continuum I have read. You forgot to mention, I think, that Kiera's CMR was interfering with her ability to apply moral judgment to her actions. Also, one important factor not mentioned, that I noticed, in week back Alex's turn to the dark side is that Emily killed his father,