
And I thought last week's episode was good. Seeing Shaw and Root working together was as enjoyable in its own way (I *loved* the scene with Root casually eating an apple while watching Shaw engage in furious hand-to-hand combat—before intervening with her Taser) as seeing Reese and Finch working together.

Good review. I particularly liked the analogy between Stannis and the viewers. A few thoughts: First, I'm not exactly sure what your problem with Arya is. I think she's pretty much the same. Sure, she's killed a few more people at this point, but only one of those was in cold blood (the guard at the end). Second, I

Good review. I particularly liked the analogy between Stannis and the viewers. A few thoughts: First, I'm not exactly sure what your problem with Arya is. I think she's pretty much the same. Sure, she's killed a few more people at this point, but only one of those was in cold blood (the guard at the end). Second, I

Very good review, though I'm not sure I agree with the notion that Arya "wasted" her second kill. If using it at the last second to save her life and/or freedom (what little freedom she currently has) isn't a valid use of one of her kills, I'm not sure what is. In the books, she wasted her second kill on Weese

Well, to be fair, the reason why Bran's foreshadowing dreams are played up more here than they are in the books is because they aren't his dreams in the books. At least not the one about the sea coming into Winterfell. That was Jojen Reed's dream (who I think we can safely assume has been cut—I'm still holding out

Your reviews are excellent, Todd, but we really don't need your political opinions. Stick to the show. And if you ARE going to talk politics, I'm going to have to insist that you at least get your war analogies right. Robb's war is not analogous to Iraq at all. He didn't invade because of what might happen (e.g. the

This is a good topic, though nobody (at least none of the writers—I didn't wade through all the comments) mentioned my choice. To me, this begins and ends with Alicia Florrick on The Good Wife. That is a really good show, and I like almost every character. But I can't stand Alicia (it has the opposite problem that

Good review, though I have to take exception to your defense (such as it is) of Cersei. You ask if we'd rather have her or Joffrey in charge. If those are the only two options, she's slightly less monstrous, but that's really a false choice. Pretty much every other king (Stannis, Robb, Renly, etc.) would be a better

There's some good choices here. The Constant is definitely the best Lost episode, and Marge vs. the Monorail is definitely on the list of acceptable choices for The Simpsons (personally, I would go with I Love Lisa from Season 4). I disagree with the choice for Seinfeld. I actually think that's among the worst

There's some good choices (Seinfeld—The Puerto Rican Day may well have been the worst episode aside from the painfully unfunny first season episodes), but Fly is a ridiculous choice. A lot of people cite it as one of the greatest episodes of the show because it was so compelling despite the obvious limitations. I