Mr T's Commandments

My my my!

Good luck. We're all counting on you.

"This (parking ticket) is 3 years old."
- Luther, 48 Hours

She was able to come back in flashbacks and not get her car blown up by Harold. I'm watching the season 3 finale as I type this. Things didn't end well for Leslie Odom Jr. Apparently, he went on to find some play to work on afterward.

Only in her nerdy flashbacks.

Which starred mostly black peopleā€¦ and Salami.

Todd Fisher's not having such a hot time himself.

Or Todd

Of all the celebrity deaths this year, this was the only one that made me cry. Farewell sweet princess.

Got them WMDs

I'm confused. Is it Apocalypse Rated X or the 10th film in the Apocalypse series?

Even in fictional DC, John Wall is a one man show on a crappy Wizards team.

I had to rewind that 5 times. Each time it got funnier.

Went to my cousin's wedding in Raleigh this past weekend. There were hardly any hotel rooms because the Dems and Repubs were there to make their last pushes. It's like Raleigh is the battles of Yorktown or Appomattox with both sides emcamped, ready for the final battle of the war.

"Did someone call?"
No, Mr. Romney. No one called you.

"I don't wanna do your dirty work, oh yeah. I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more." Sounds like something Obama will be singing every day until January 20th.

Gimme your sandwich.

She didn't like people playing on her phone.

"WacArnolds is tearing this family apart!"
"He's a habitual linestepper"
"I think I'm bleeding in my chest Charlie Murphy"
When John Mayer was playing in the black barbershop "Ay yo STFU!"

I giggled like classic Rumple when Gold said "dearie"