
@amcintyr7436: Do you have ANY idea how much BP is worth? Boycotting will hurt them, and still leave plenty to use to clean up this cluster.

@Unspellable: No one says they want this problem. No one says they are dragging their feet. And no one other then idiots think they did it on purpose. What people ARE saying it that they didn't do a proper risk assessment and sure has hell didn't consider the consequences of what to do if something like this

@antitrust311: And yet your comment suggests we shrug and go Oh well. I'm sorry, but this is not a sweep it under the rug and move on with life type event.

@ding-dang: Its amazing what they can do with CGI now a days....please do something with CGI....oh for the love of God do something with CGI.

NO. Stop this Hollywood. Unoriginal ideas don't get better with 3D.

That one giant leap for mankind just jumped into quicksand. Goodbye manned space exploration.

@anoopb: Amen. I'm done with Fing Fbook

@xyglyx: Or figure out what the hell is around them, or to figure out what the hell the traffic is life, or how the hell you get to there.

@Rokk-Bandit: Maybe people shouldn't have accidents. That comment is about as stupid as your comment.

@R.b.3: Nope. They dropped them here in MN as well.

@eCommArchitect: Technically aren't all companies profit seeking? Even non-profit orgs make money to put back into their orginization. A better statement would be "Apple is just a consumer gouging company"

So Apple = iZOD and Android = Superman? Got it.

Would have been 10x more impressive if they could dock in the air. and 100x more difficult too no doubt.

All this could be solved if Google would get its head out of its butt and make a skinning engine for Android and let people roll their own.

@Tonicboy: Ummm try again. I can type rings around everyone I know who has a software keyboard based phone. 5-10%?