
Listen, if recent history repeats itself, PLENTY of Eddie Lacy is going to be in training camp for Seattle very soon.

S-E-C! S-E-C!

Hahaha. And with that comment you’ve single-handedly proven the widely held belief that Trump supporters are hysterical drama queens with below average intelligence.

There’s no safe spaces anymore snowflake.

Hmm... what do you think journalism is good for, if not to cover politics?

And now, a joke. A Utah farmer dies and goes to heaven, where he is turned away for his sinful life and sent to hell. The Devil greets the farmer in hell “Welcome you sinful bastard, to hell! As punishment, you shall now work this barren patch of land for all of eternity in the blazing heat!” The devil then leaves the

Thank me later.

Please do tell how countries like Canada or England manage to stay afloat with “entitlement programs” such as universal healthcare, and why it is such a difficult thing for the US, where kids can get killed just for being at school, to do so. How is it not a huge burden in other countries but somehow unacceptable for

Then he proceeded to steal Klay Thompson’s soul.

He also post-dated their final paychecks for after the championship game.

Nick Saban has responded by spending 20 minutes silently assembling a rifle in front of his players while wearing a T-Shirt that reads “FUCKING TRY IT.”

All the physical evidence supported Darren Wilson’s story. Stop peddling a false narrative.

Rams are giving up 6.9 yards per plays to the Saints.

We need a car that has experience in taking on the best from around the world and winning.

How about that. A touching story from Penn State that doesn’t make me throw up.

Title Nein

Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.

Jerry needs to remind the players not to wear their jerseys while they’re beating women.