
I'm curious about how battery life will be affected if there's that much light-color in the OS? It's interesting to see Android phones largely go the other direction to take advantage of AMOLED's backlighting.

Right. It's definitely more common for the "support" staff, rather than the servers. When I bussed, we pooled with the bartenders on table service. They kept their tips from the bar, but anything that came through the service bar got tossed in with what the servers had to pay in to the pool.

Right. And keep in mind, all the major feature updates now come through apps on the Play Store separated from the OS (google keyboard, maps, etc) and through updates to Google Play Services which updates itself. Pretty much any Android device 2.2+ has MOST of the current feature set.

Anyway, any device 2.2+ that can run Google Play Services gets all of the new goodness anyway. Fragmentation is almost a non-issue anymore, what with all the good features coming on separate Play Store apps and through GPS.

@Secretone Lets be fair. I don't think THAT many americans had the back of their iphone 4 shattered. Probably only a million or so.

The key to me is, can Apple design a competent, well-performing cooling solution? Their track record on this is not good.

Troll Headline is obvious.

Or you can just get an Android phone. Google Maps ftw.

You want to know the killer app for the realtime? Here's what i'm planning for a friend's wedding:

Yeah. Totally! I was watching the I/O after-hours event last night on G+. How freaking cool to see people's pictures coming in at real-time. It was like I was there. We're planning to do this at parties so that everyone has access to the same pictures instead of having to figure out whose facebook profile has

BTW. This is the worst designed commenting system i've ever seen.

Seriously. Why do I feel like if a certain other company in California came up with the same products, you'd be falling all over yourselves about how the future is now and everything has changed, blah blah.

Seriously. Why do I feel like if a certain other company in California came up with the same products, you'd be falling all over yourselves about how the future is now and everything has changed, blah blah.