
If this were a democracy, that’d be it. But since we have a Constitutional Republic, we have the Electoral College.

I’m so sick of this argument. 3%, 3.5% at the highest in some areas. How many Johnson supporters do you really think would have supported Hillary? He siphoned Republican votes, not Democratic. What gives you the right to tell people how they should have voted, or that their vote was shit? That is exceedingly arrogant.

Well said!

This line of thinking is so incredibly stupid. Hillary lost because she was a bad candidate and widely disliked on both sides. Last I checked, Obama didn’t have any trouble with Johnson in 2012.

Well, a hip-liberal know-it-all wrote the article.... Did you expect substance?

Gary Johnson had nothing to do with this. We lost. Our party’s complacency did us in. We placed so much emphasis on Hillary and the righteous feeling of inevitability that we couldn’t see the forest for the trees. The rejection of our candidate says less about the rejection of the progressive platform and more about

Oh man I love the butt hurt in this thread. Shower me with more tears please! PS: I voted Gary ;)

Hahahahaha crybaby liberals blaming Johnson when it is they who nominated a criminal as their candidate. I’d vote for Gary again, and every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Why is it you libs are so arrogantly confident that we who voted for Johnson would have voted for her anyway? I know that I sure wouldn’t

With that kind of attitude the Democrats are going to keep losing. It’s like media companies fighting digital distribution. It’s inevitable and if you don’t pivot with the changing tide then you’re going to get left behind. Bernie was the right candidate at the right time, but the party was so focused on the story of

What a bunch of bullshit. Why did Hillary lose? Because she’s Hillary. People know who she is and simply reject her. If the Democratic party hadn’t tilted the scales so far in her favor, she probably wouldn’t have even won the Democratic primary. Remember how the party voters rejected her back in 2008? She’s not

Sure, blame someone else for your misfortunes. This article alludes that your or my vote “belongs” to someone else. That’s just being weak. Your candidate lost, deal with it. F**K Ellie Shechet. (BTW I voted for Johnson)

Fuck you Ellie for using your platform to undermine the progressives populist movement leaving only an autocratic oppressive populist movement for people disenfranchised by rich establishment politicians working for rich people on the backs of the rest of us. Fuck you for ridiculing a good man who wanted to actually

Maybe instead of backing the two party system you could blame it for this. Other countries have gone from staunchly two party, to three or even four party systems. Just as equally if people hadn’t preached the anti third party dogma so hard maybe fewer people would have voted for Trump.

This is preposterous. If anything, Johnson took Trump votes and helped Clinton get the edge in Colorado, Nevada, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico, and New Hampshire, each of which she won by a smaller margin than the total # of votes Johnson pulled in.

No, Fuck people who voted *for* Trump. Fuck the people who *didn’t* vote.

It is childish to blame people who didn’t vote for the cheet-o.

Its shocking that our strategy of “vote for us or you’re a racist sexist xenophobe” didn’t work..

Yeah, I voted for Johnson. In a state where Hillary was going to landslide and did. But you should also be saying “Fuck Harambe” because I personally know 8 people who wrote in Harambe. I also personally know a huge number of people who left the president choice blank.

No, Gary Johnson is not to blame here. He

Fuck the electoral college for being an antiquated source of bullshit for the second time in my life. They now project that Clinton will win popular vote by at least 3 times the margin Gore did (1.2 million+ vs 400k) .

Blaming the election of Donald Trump on Gary Johnson is bullshit. And, lazy.

So salty. Gary Johnson had every right to run. As did Jill Stein. Maybe it’s time to realize that we chose a candidate that didn’t resonate with the people and it turned people away. Of course that can never be the reason. We’ve got to scapegoat someone. I supported Mrs. Clinton and I would have loved to see her make