
What’s up Zack? It is Rwabbit Zweason... ing! :)

I need this, like Being John Malkovich 

I found Magneto!

FTFY: “That’s why I love homebrew so much. Doing what Nintendon’t.

Calling it now, the universe will be saved by the self-sacrifices of Aunt May and Howard the Duck.


I need scissors! 61!

A cosmic undertaking

At the risk of going for the obvious joke...

In the Shadow of Colossus.

The only Captain that could make an argument for being on both lists.


Wall-E and UP should be ranked at approximately the same level (about middle of the pack). Both have an amazing first 10 minutes, but once the “real plot” starts up, the movie loses what made it special.

You listed places to sell my clothes, books, furniture... but not my junk!