I disagree. Mainly because we live in shades of grey and not black and white. Our political climate makes it seem like you are a quiverfull confederate flag waving whack job or a social justice warrior politically correct pussy, on any given issue. Generally the truth is somewhere in the middle. The muddy waters you…
This will be an interesting dynamic no matter what your feeling on this her stance (heh) is. Unlike Kaepernick she has everything to lose by doing this and she is doing it during National team competitions. I know I’m on record of bashing Kaep however I think this (his) kneeling trend is much more respectful and as…
I think it’s at least fair to argue whether there is a qualitative difference between protesting during the anthem when playing for your club team and protesting during the anthem while playing for your national team.
I feel like if you’re going to give bear fighting advice in a comment thread, you should site a source. I mean, I want to believe you, but i also don’t want my tombstone to read “dumbass tried to fight a black bear after reading an internet comment.”
Here’s how I defend against bear attacks, I just don’t go into the woods!
They were getting overrun - lots of demons headed their way, Vol’jin was down, Thrall was about to be, and Lorthemar might have been the one seen face down and knocked out. They were dead if they stayed, so it was the right call tactically.
Depends on how frequently you’re trading in goods. You can stack gold much more efficiently (1 full-gold slot = 110,000 credits, Gravatino’s are something like 25-30k credits each).
Ball joints and wheel bearings are absolutely considered normal maintenance.
What makes you say that? Nissan may be boring and unoriginal, but engine quality and resilience has generally been their strong suit. My bigger fear is that they’ll slap a CVT on it and paint it taupe. Then that CVT will fail, the pain will peel, and the suspension mounts of whatever they put it in will probably rot…
“The single worst thing that has ever happened to an Armenian”
Well, that about wraps up the case, then! Good work, detective!
That Jetta already went on VWVortex to tell his "kill" story against that Ultima.
Never meet your heroes.
Swiss Cake Rolls or GTFO
Regional differences be damned, it was and shall always be “slug bug”
You’re a gaslighting little shit who doesn’t give a damn about women.
Accused of cheating? That's the highest form of compliment! I treat every hate msg on psn and xbl as a trophy.
Lol, no, this woman is full of shit. There's no way in hell this actually happened.
I'm not sure there's anything cooler than The Man from Nowhere's fight scene at the end but it's not exactly kung-fu. More gun-fu with hints of kung-fu.