Knox Harrington

Oh...a troll...dammit

Something seems off about this. How does the woman have no fear at all about a gun?

So you do know by paying workers more you reduce your ability to reinvest capital correct?

How is innovation driven in your opinion? And how does it not require any capital reinvestment by the company provided by some sort of profits?

If you pay workers more, you leave less money for growth. Most growth in business is due to new product development/ services. This in turn leads to more hiring. If back in the 80's the entirety of corporate profit was dedicated to workers wages, you would still be on a hulking desktop computer right now and we

Sherman’s strategy could end up burning you

I question the hacking strategy. He has a decent FT% for a big man

Garbage’s response to being compared to Terrell Pryor: silence

Detroit being a rough place to live isn’t a cliche. It’s a fact.

Now playing

If it’s good enough for David Puddy it’s good enough for me

Man confuses invisible with invincible during camo pants purchase

Seems thin skinned. But I prefer my Poultery skinless.

“See? It’s the wide receiver’s fault when a drive stalls.” - Palmer

Either shave your head or rock a hat, amateur.

But The Wire can speak for Oakland fans

Wait this is all motivating but Andrew is bleeding profusely can’t he at least attend to that before a low level Bowl game?

Use of racist seems redundant here- “Trump supporters” suffices.

Deadspin has temporarily replaced Big Blue Interactive

Whitlock struggles with lock

JPP poo-poos on dreams