
haters gonna hate.

Wow.. this is laaaaaaang

you are quite right.. but I also know white south african who age different from white Europeans ..

Umm every black person is from African dude :P (depends what you mean by where smeone comes from )

that was what I was thinking this is/could be an isolated incident.

Find this hard to believe , why do black africans have fewer wincles than those of the same age even in their 70s ?

well maybe it is good as you are all seeing.. awful lot of people have told me that but mostly when I try movies with this kinda buzz I get disappointed. Maybe I will try sometime.

Unless there is something wrong with your eye those two don't look alike

Thanks God I didn't waste 2hours of my life to watch that Social network movie..

Nope .. The n8 and n9/800 are different devices.. I had the Lumia 800 and used the n8 too for a while. The n8 was a crappy device freezing all the time.. what I hated most was the vibration feedback whenever you click anything. I don't want to have anything to do with Symbian again !!

If Nokia gets, this into their next WP8 device with hd resolution, better memory, faster processor, and a good phone design like the Lumia 800/900 it will surely be my next phone.

Windows 8 still boots up significantly faster on even old hardware..

i think they meant to say Windows Boot menu.. cut them some slack

You get confused for a while.. Like the one from cannon/nikkon and pizza hat /dominos partly because they are doing the same stuff... but only for a short while.

Need some cool-aid ? Here you are ..

Well am not very sure now.. I checked on their website and the wording isn't very clear cut. i tiill be with Windows 8 but as whether you will have to pay for it or not is not very clear. here is a quote

Well it will be stupid to buy a new computer now knowing the new much more capable hardware will be coming when Widows 8 drops

WMC Will not be included in any of the SKUs.. you just have to by it like an add-on feature

hahaha I did it too.. feeling stupid right now.

because somebody got burned ..